[Kde-bindings] [Python] KSharedConfig and delete nested KConfigGroup

Alexander Fischer alexanderfischer at ordnungsdienst.org
Fri Oct 9 20:24:13 UTC 2009


i hope, this is the correct list. If not, please tell me.

i'm currently writing a plasmoid in python and have some ugly trouble with
nested groups from a KSharedConfig-Object. I have a top group "fonts" (and
others which are not relevant here) that includes other groups, i call
them profiles. This profiles include font definitions like bold,
italic, size etc.

My problem is now, that I dont know, how to delete such a nested font  

I tried to work with the deleteGroup()-method:
   profileGroup = self.__fonts.group(str(profileName))

But this does not work as I thought. if i do an self.__fonts.groupList()  
that, the deleted profile is still present. A simple
   del profileGroup

does not work, too.

What i find pretty amazing is, that the profile is still available after i  
   del self.__config, self.__fonts
   self.__config = KSharedConfig.openConfig('fontsizerrc')
   self.__fonts = KConfigGroup(self.__config, 'fonts')

But if I restart the plasmoid, the profile is gone.

What am i doing wrong here?

I am using Slackware-Linux-13, (Py)KDE-4.2.4, Python 2.6.2, PyQt-4.4.4.

cu alex

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 from PyQt4.QtCore import *
 from PyQt4.QtGui import *
 from PyKDE4.kdecore import *
 from PyKDE4.kdeui import *

class handleProfiles():
   def __init__(self):
     self.__config = KSharedConfig.openConfig('fontsizerrc')
     self.__fonts = KConfigGroup(self.__config, 'fonts')

   def delProfile(self, profileName):
     Delete the given profile
     print profileName
     profileGroup = self.__fonts.group(str(profileName))
     del profileGroup
     # group becomes empty but is still present in self.__fonts.groupList()
     for s in self.__fonts.groupList():
       print s

   def applyChanges(self):

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