[Kde-bindings] Smoke TypeFlags in types

Petr Vanek petr at scribus.info
Sat Aug 15 18:19:48 UTC 2009

hi all,

question about Smoke TypeFlags: There is a doc comment: "Always only  
one of the next three flags should be set" for tf_stack, tf_ptr, tf_ref.

But when I list types with a sample for-loop I'm getting.
QObject::qt_metacall (QMetaObject::Call STACK REF, int STACK REF,  
void** PTR REF)
QObject::QObject (QObject* PTR REF)

It does not make too much sense to me. Or is it only my  
misunderstanding of meanings of these flags?

sample code is just a slightly modified techbase example
         std::string name;
         Smoke::Index *idx = qt_Smoke->argumentList + method.args;
         while (*idx) {
             name += qt_Smoke->types[*idx].name;
             if (qt_Smoke->types[*idx].flags & Smoke::tf_stack) name  
+= " STACK";
             if (qt_Smoke->types[*idx].flags & Smoke::tf_ptr) name +=  
" PTR";
             if (qt_Smoke->types[*idx].flags & Smoke::tf_ref) name +=  
" REF";
             if (*idx) name += ", ";
         std::cout << m_class.className << "::" << methodName << " ("  
<< name << ")" << std::endl;

all the best,

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