[Kde-bindings] Qt bindings to D programming language.

Eldar Insafutdinov e.insafutdinov at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 23:34:57 UTC 2008

Yeah, I also thought about inheritance. But I can't understand one. For
example I subclass a QWidget in my C++ part of wrapper:

class QWidget_Proxy: public QWidget
      QWidget_Proxy(QWidget* parent = 0);

      void ancestor_mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* qme);
      virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* qme);

void QWidget_Proxy::QWidget_Proxy(QWidget* parent)


//default implementation
void QWidget_Proxy::ancestor_mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* qme)

void QWidget_Proxy::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* qme)
   Dispatch_QWidget_MousePressEvent(this, qme);

extern "C" void QWidget_mousePressEvent(Qwidget* qwidget, QMouseEvent qme)
     qwidget.ancestor_mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* qme)

And my D wrapper
class QWidget : QObject

private void* qwidgetPtr;

     //constructor of D class
          qwidgetPtr = QWidget_new();

     static extern (C) void Dispatch_QWidget_MousePressEvent(void* classPtr,
QMouseEvent *qme);

     void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent qme)

Okey and I have the QPushButton which inherirts from QWidget (not directly
but it doesn't matter). C++ wrapper:

extern "C" void* QPushButton_new()
    return new QPushButton_proxy();

D wrapper:
class QPushButton : QWidget

private void* qpushbuttonPtr;

     //constructor of D class
          qpushbuttonPtr = QPushButton_new();

This is not 100% accurate - but the rough idea is that QPushButton_proxy is
inherited from QPushButton and QPushButton in its turn is inherited from
QWidget, not from QWidget_proxy. so when we create an instance of
QPushButton - all this virtual functions will not be implemented, because
they are implemented only in QWidget_proxy - and nothing is derived from
this class.
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