[Kde-bindings] Documentation on kalyptus and smoke

Richard Dale rdale at foton.es
Thu Mar 27 12:57:51 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 26 March 2008 03:21:32 Gary Greene wrote:
> I've finally gotten some time to work on finishing up the KDE3 marshallers
> for PerlKDE, but I'm lost as to how the bindings generation works since
> there doesn't seem to be a complete set of documentation on the tools to
> allow me to finish this easily. Basically, I need a how to explaining what
> I do to make the C++ calls accessible to Perl. Thanks.
I'm not sure that there is any recent document explaining this, but we can 
answer any questions you have on this mailing list. The marshalling code for 
perl should be pretty similar to the code for Ruby (QtRuby) and for C# 
(Qyoto). We are no longer working on qt3/kde3 bindings though, only qt4/kde4 
ones - are you sure you mean KDE3 and not KDE4?

-- Richard

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