KIO FUSE 5.1.0 released

Fabian Vogt fabian at
Mon Dec 11 21:38:39 GMT 2023


Compared to v5.0.1, the following changed:
- Support for building against Qt 6 and KF6
- Minimum versions of dependencies got raised:
  CMake 3.16, Qt 5.15, KIO 5.96.0
- Minor bug fixes and optimizations
- Don't include the password in the generated VFS path:
  If a URL which includes a password explicitly (e.g. typed in dolphin) was
  mounted, this was by accident also used in the name of the subdirectory
  and could end up in file paths.
- Mounting admin: is blocked now

Known issues:
- I forgot to push the CMakeLists version bump before creating the tarball,
  so "kio-fuse -V" still says "5.0.0". Not severe enough for a respin IMO.
- Mounts are not persistent, which means that after reboot or logout the files
  are not accessible through the FS until kio-fuse is triggered for them again.
- Some applications like VLC and MPV claim support for certain protocols, which
  causes KIO to not use KIO FUSE in certain cases. Please mention which URL was
  actually passed to the application when reporting an issue.
- Some protocols aren't compatible with KIO FUSE. man:/ is incompatible by
  design: To serve index documents, it claims directories are files.
  info:/ doesn't implement directories at all.
- Poor throughput especially on high latency connections. Work is ongoing to
  improve the situation:
- There's a bug in KIO 6 which causes the testsuite to fail. Fix is WIP:

Have a lot of fun,
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