GOO lyrics 0.6

Ignacio Serantes ig at
Wed Mar 4 20:55:42 CET 2009

Name: GOO lyrics
Version: 0.6
Type: Amarok 2.0 Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 Another search lyrics script for Amarok 2
specializes in Asian music but also with Western
music support.

Supported servers are:

1) (Western music).
2) (Japanese music).
3) (Korean music).
4) (Chinese music).
5) (Japanese music):

Plans post 1.0 version are:

1) A system for managing suggestions for
misspelled names and titles.
2) A system for managing westernized Asian names
(in study).
3) Configuration form with a system to prioritize
servers and max number of simultaneous
4) Send lyrics to STDIN plasmoid enabled.
Currently this feature is disabled for a couple of
display bugs in it and because this plasmoid does
not support DBUS.
5) A system for select a result when more than one
servers has the lyrics

With the release of 0.4 version I covered my
initial requirements to support my music library
so this is the first release candidate of version
1.0. Future improvements will depend largely on
the popularity of this script.

I would appreciate any feedback that the script
works correctly in code pages other than UTF-8.

I'm open to add new servers to the users request.

 v 0.6 (09/03/04) - somethin' stupid release
- New option in "Tools" menu called GOO get lyrics
to launch "Title - Artist" input dialog. If you
assign a shortcut you can launch GOO search with
it. I found it really useful and more comfortable
than double clicking in the lyrics refresh icon
- A few code to avoid wrong lyrics storage with
"Title - Artist" input dialog if song changed and
dialog it's not closed.
- Minor code refactoring.
- Last release candidate previous to version 1.0.
A full solution for "Title - Artist" input dialog
problem when song changes will be available in
version 2.0 of this script when I have learn a few
of Qt and a few of Javascript.

v 0.5 (09/03/01) - quick fix release
- BUG: engines could download the lyrics
of another song instead of the correct song when
both Title and Artist are Western names.
- GOO is now the highest priority server because,
apparently, has more lyrics wrong.
Prioritization is now (from mayor to minor): GOO,, CIX, and Sogou.

v 0.4 (09/03/01) - try it again release
- Added an "input dialog" for alter "Title" and
"Artist" when search fails. Useful for correcting
errors in writing or changing names in other
alphabets. This option is disabled by default and
must be activated from the configuration options.
- Configuration form located in "Settings".
- Support for "Instrumental" music if "input
dialog" is enabled.

v 0.3 (09/02/26) - chinese release
- Added support to server.
- Added support to server.
- Minor improvements in html to text conversion.
- Better detection of servers with entries but
without lyrics.
- Prioritization in this version is (from mayor to
minor):, GOO, CIX, and

v 0.2 (09/02/24) - korean release
- Engine refactoring to achieve better support for
multiple servers.
- Added support to server.

v 0.1 (09/02/22) - first release
- Added support to and servers.
- Basic functionality: search, download and store

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