Qwit 0.9

Artem Iglikov artem.iglikov at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 17:02:31 CEST 2009

Name: Qwit
Version: 0.9
Type: KDE Chat Application
Depend: Qt 4.x
License: GPL
Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/qwit
More Info:

 Qwit is a simple Qt4-based client for Twitter

This project started with the purpose of studying
Qt4 programming. It could be useful, for example,
for KDE users, who need a natively looking simple
client for their systems.

Latest version features:
- depends on Qt4 only; 
- KDE native look; 
- http-proxy support; 
- userpics caching; 
- clickable links in statuses; 
- public, replies, custom user timelines, search; 
- caching messages between sessions; 
- replies, retweets and direct messages support; 
- customizable interface;
- twitpic support.

Those who like to walk on the edge can try ng
branch - source and binaries are available at

 Important changes since 0.8:
- twitpocalypse issue fixed;
- twitpic support added;
- some bugfixes and interface improvements.

Praktikant m/w Programmierung/Marketing/IT -
openDesktop.org - trainee
Junior Software Engineer in Stuttgart (w/m) -
softSCIENCE GmbH - vollzeit

more jobs: http://www.KDE-Apps.org/jobs/

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