PVR150_Capture_Utility-0.8KDE-Gnome-XFCE 0.8

Dud Wammy blue59chevy at comcast.net
Sun Sep 14 21:18:56 CEST 2008

Name: PVR150_Capture_Utility-0.8KDE-Gnome-XFCE
Version: 0.8
Type: KDE Kommander Script
Depend: Kommander
License: GPL
More Info:

   Enables scheduled captures using the 
Hauppauge pvr150 tv card.
   Although it's a KDE/Kommander app, I have
tested it  with Debian Gnome and XFCE. I have also
tested it with X,K,Ubuntu distros as well as
Ubuntu Studio.

There are now six seperate install scripts to
allow for installing with different default
settings for
media player, file manager and editor. Three of
the scripts are for Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu.
The other three are for a Debian install with KDE,
Gnome or XFCE. (If your not using one of these
you can use any install script and adjust the
settings to your needs on the "Setup" tab.)

Added support for different file managers, text
editors and more media players.

Added support for capturing directly to mp4
format. MPlayer/MEncoder needs to be installed.

Fixed the capturing time to allow for "Noon" and
"Midnight" captures.

Adjusted the color scheme so hopefully it will
look better with other setups.

Can now handle spaces in the "Capture" and
"Directory" names.

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