X52 LCD Infoscript 0.4

Maximilian Güntner beomuex at gmx.de
Sun Nov 9 19:57:17 CET 2008

Name: X52 LCD Infoscript
Version: 0.4
Type: Amarok Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 This scripts shows the current meta-information
on your X52 Joystick.
In addition, the remaining time is shown on the
time display.
This script does actually run as normal user!!!!

1. Get x52output and its libary
from http://plasma.hasenleithner.at/x52pro/

2. Compile the package with the instruction in the
tarball, now
remove the old rules file
(/etc/udev/rules.d/99-x52pro.rules) and replace it
with the new one
) - here you must be root!
Either trigger udev to reload the rules or restart
your system.

3. Test the script by running this with

$x52output text 1 "hello world"

Now you should be able to read "hello world" on
your lcd display

4.Start amarok - install the script via the amarok
script manager

5. You're done


Planned functions:
get the lights blinking with the beat...
If you find ANY bugs or have some ideas, write to
maximilian.guentner [aatt] gmail.com

 21.5.2008 initial release 0.1a

15.8.2008 second release 0.2
-fixed some code issues
-runs now as user
-some style fixes

24.8.2008 still 0.2
-date function added

31.8.2008 0.3
-cool bye message ;-)
-some code tweaks
-stream detection

9.11.2008 0.4
-scrolling text

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