reKordmydesktop 0.99

Marios Andreopoulos opensource at
Fri Apr 6 01:36:37 CEST 2007

Name: reKordmydesktop
Version: 0.99
Type: Kommander Script
License: GPL
More Info:

 ReKordmydesktop is a frontend to recordmydesktop
aiming at the ease of use.

I believe programs like recordmydesktop are very
important for the Linux desktop, especially when
they come with a friendly yet powerful gui. A user
can use them to create presentations, visual
guides and demos more illustrative and impressive
than ever before. An important ally to that task
is the theora encoder which delivers superb
quality video while keeping a low bitrate. At top
of that the ogg format ensures that the produced
file is suitable for streaming.

I did my best to implement all the functionality
provided by recordmydesktop plus some
- Click and grab a specific window to capture it.
- Straightforward use of pause.
- Added timed capture. It can be stopped or paused
of course.
- Most settings available through checkboxes or
- Offers the option to open the resulted video
when the recording ends with your
  favorite player.
- It remembers your settings so you don't need to
set them every time.

ReKordmydesktop requires from you to have
installed on your system:
- recordmydesktop
- kommander (Usually comes with KDE.)
- xwininfo (Although not necessery it is
recommended. It is used to determine by
  a single click a specific window to capture).

Some hints:
- If you choose to grab a specific window don't
forget to use the "grab window"
  button prior the recording!
- ReKordmydesktop can understand all error codes
produced by recordmydesktop and
  will show them at the StatusBar if they occur.
- ReKordmydesktop isn't designed to interact with
many instances of
  recordmydesktop running simultaneously. The
program itself will protect you
  from that. You can trick it by starting a
recording through the program's
  interface and then starting a second, parallel
recording from the command
  line. I discourage it strongly though.
- If you are wondering why mplayer and vlc don't
appear on the players' list, I
  couldn't make them start without freezing
reKordmydesktop for as long as they
  are running. I didn't want such behaviour in my
  ReKordmydesktop will detect Kaffeine, xine,
totem, noatun, Kaboodle, Kmplayer,
  Kplayer, codeine, ffplay.
- If you think reKordmydesktop takes too much time
to start or close you are
  probably right. That happens because it
reads/saves your settings.
- I did my best but some bugs may have escaped my
super vision! Please report
  them to my email or the program's page on or
  The worst-case scenario would be to leave
recordmydesktop recording at the
  background. If you suspect this you can find it
out easily by runing:
  $ pidof recordmydesktop
  If it returns a number then recordmydesktop is
indeed running. If that
  shouldn't be the case (ie because you exited
reKordmydesktop) use that
  command to terminate it:
  $ killall -9 recordmydesktop

ReKordmydesktop 0.99 was build and tested against:
- Kommander 1.2.1 (KDE 3.5.6)
- recordmydesktop
- xwininfo 1.0.2

[b]To run it just extract it and click

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