Hi!<br><br>I'm new at this list and I would like to ask a question, if you don't mind.<br><br>But before that, just want congratulate for the good job, its really nice!<br><br>Well, how do you draw the atoms of the molecule loaded by the Molecular Viewer? Its just using the pre known coordinates that are in the file loaded?<br>
<br>I'm thinking about it and sound me a bit obvious that you don't calculate it.<br><br>So, I'm asking this because I'm working on a project for conclude my graduation in Computer Science at University where I'll have to draw the molecule and calculate the energy's minimum for the bonds, angle bending, torsions and non-bonded interactions.<br>
<br>My point is, what's the way that the rotation and translation are done if there is some using OpenGL and, also about the transformations, its used a global or a local coordinate system?<br><br>Well, thanks for your attention and keep doing the good work.<br>
<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Leandro A. Boscariol<br>Bacharelando em Ciência da Computação<br>Universidade Estadual de Londrina<br>