<br>>My last complaint would be with the text: the graduation<br>>numbers are not regularly spaced<br><br>I tried to fix that ( same adress than before).<br><br>>I found an image that you might find useful:<br><a onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)" href="http://www.hambling-trebble.co.uk/i/buying/buying_diamond_shape.gif" target="_blank">
>http://www.hambling-trebble.co.uk/i/buying/buying_diamond_shape.gif</a><br>>this shows how real diamonds are cut.<br><br>Thanks, I used this image to improve the diamand (here: <a href="http://bluestorm.info/noemie/carbone6.svg">
http://bluestorm.info/noemie/carbone6.svg</a> )<br>Do you think it is more realistic ?<br><br>Using the same shape, I did a ruby for the chrome ( <a href="http://bluestorm.info/noemie/chrome2.svg">http://bluestorm.info/noemie/chrome2.svg
</a> )<br><br>>Well, Phosphorus is responsible for red colour<br><br>I changed the colour ( <a href="http://bluestorm.info/noemie/phosphore3.svg">http://bluestorm.info/noemie/phosphore3.svg</a> ); is it better now?<br>
<br><br>> If you want I can send you a screenshot of how the icons look in Kalzium<br><br>I would be interested, thanks.<br>