[Kalzium] icon submission

Dread Knight dk.vali at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 15:06:36 CET 2008

Greetings! First of all, good work on the project!
 I've made a new template, It's less obstructive and it has color
coding for the elements, similar to the ones in the image:

 There is a typing error at the link http://edu.kde.org/kalzium/iconsets.php
"What to do in order to have a constent iconset?"
it should be "consistent"; also some information about where to send
the icon(s) would be nice (an e-mail address).

 I've made an icon so far; will make more in time, but feel free to
contact me if anything needed asap. Both the template and the icon use
the palette.

Best regards!
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