New contribution "nds"

Nicolas DA SILVA nicolas.ds49 at
Sat Nov 6 15:56:15 GMT 2021


Alright let's do this.

Thanks for your time,

DA SILVA Nicolas

> Le 6 nov. 2021 à 10:30, Johnny Jazeix <jazeix at> a écrit :
> Hi,
> @Nicolas; in this case, you can do a PR in github so I can do a code review to point out what could be improved if you want to have one, but the activity will not be merged on the code. And we can discuss on another activity if you want to contribute more :).
> Johnny
> Le sam. 6 nov. 2021 à 08:57, Emmanuel Charruau <echarruau at <mailto:echarruau at>> a écrit :
> Hi,
> For what I remember I gave this idea a very long time ago and in between Tim implemented it (the activity with the dots). I cannot check as I am on holiday without access to any computer. 
> Regards,
> Emmanuel 
> Le ven. 5 nov. 2021 à 21:11, Johnny Jazeix <jazeix at <mailto:jazeix at>> a écrit :
> Hi Nicolas,
> welcome!
> Can you please subscribe to the list if you plan to contribute more ( <>)?
> Regarding the code, can you also do a Pull Request on github or even better, create a KDE account, fork from <> and make a Merge Request here?
> Doing the second one would also start your repo from the latest code, which would avoid you to rebase.
> After taking a quick look, there are things to improve codewise, a lot of repetition that could use a Repeater...
> We have a discussion channel in <> also, it may be easier than mail to discuss.
> Cheers,
> Johnny
> Le ven. 5 nov. 2021 à 20:59, Nicolas DA SILVA <nicolas.ds49 at <mailto:nicolas.ds49 at>> a écrit :
> Hi,
> I’m Nicolas « nds » DA SILVA
> I like coding, and I want to learn and practice more and more…
> I developed an activity, based on allon’s suggestions & ideas, in which the player must count a random number (between 1 & 10 included) by clicking on Tux as most as the random number indicates.
> Please see by yourself : <>
> I am sorry I started this activity 1 year ago, so the version of the game is pretty obsolete.
> If you need me to make any manipulation, please do not hesitate.
> Kindly,
> DA SILVA Nicolas

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