GCompris release 2.0 website translation

Frederico Goncalves Guimaraes frederico at teia.bio.br
Mon Dec 20 13:27:57 GMT 2021

Hi Timothée, Johnny and others,

Em quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2021, às 04:41:54 -03, Johnny Jazeix 

> we will release GCompris 2.0 tomorrow and we added a new news to be
> translated in the website: https://l10n.kde.org/stats/gui/trunk-kf5/po/
> gcompris-net.po/ (pourcentage is not up-to-date, there are strings to
> translate :)).

Sent initial translation this weekend and just update it with snap/flathub 
info. Now it's 100% translated.  :-)

Thank you for this release! I'll share the release note, hoping that this will 
present GCompris to more children this year.  :-)


Linux User #228171
Espaço digital: http://teia.bio.br

"Quem estará nas trincheiras ao teu lado?
‐ E isso importa?
‐ Mais do que a própria guerra."
Ernest Hemingway
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