Problem: Gcompris does not store correctly Greek letters in a file.

Napoleon Maou napoleon.maou at
Sun Aug 22 06:14:46 BST 2021


I did some more testing and here is what I discovered.

The problem exists only when I install gcompris using the installation 
files I downloaded from the web site. Both the 32 and 64 bit versions.

When I install it from the Microsoft application store it works fine.

The process I followed is the following.

1. I removed gcompris using the control panel. I did not manually delete 
any directories.

2. I installed gcompris using the Microsoft applications store.

It installed only the safe mode version. I assume it did because in the 
applications menu only the safe mode version is shown. When I installed 
it using the installation files I download both the normal and safe mode 
versions are installed.

It worked fine when installed from the applications store. For my tests 
I used only the safe mode version since only this version is installed 
through the applications store.

I also did the following test.

I installed gcompris from the applications store.

I created and stored a text file with the word processor.

I loaded it back to the word processor and it displayed the Greek 
characters correctly.

I then removed gcompris and installed the 64 bit version using the 
installation file I downloaded.

I loaded the file I created with the version that I installed from the 
application store. The Greek characters were displayed correctly.

I then stored the same text to a new file. When I loaded the new file 
the Greek characters were not displayed correctly.

It seems to me from this test that the problem is created when the word 
processor stores the text to the file not when it reads it from the 
file. And that the problem exists when I install gcompris using the 
installation files I download from the site.

The last problem I noticed is that when I removed gcompris using the 
control panel it did not remove the safe mode entry from the 
applications menu. It removed the application not the menu entry. So 
when I tried to run gcompris from the menu it told me that the 
executable was removed and asked my if I wanted to remove the entry from 
the applications menu.

Napoleon Maou

Στις 21/8/2021 8:12 μ.μ., ο/η Johnny Jazeix έγραψε:
> Yes, it has been fixed just after the last version.
> I'm not the person who creates the packages usually but I can try (I 
> don't guarantee, I don't have the same tools on Windows).I'll tell you 
> if I manage or not :).
> Johnny
> Le sam. 21 août 2021 à 18:52, Napoleon Maou <napoleon.maou at 
> <mailto:napoleon.maou at>> a écrit :
>     Hi,
>     I forgot to give that information, sorry. I am using the Greek
>     language version of Windows 10 and the problem exists in both
>     versions 1.0 and the latest one 1.01.
>     Napoleon Maou
>     Στις 21/8/2021 7:43 μ.μ., ο/η Johnny Jazeix έγραψε:
>>     Hi,
>>     Which OS are you using and which GCompris version?
>>     We fixed some encoding issues
>>     (
>>     <>)
>>     but it's not yet in any version.
>>     Johnny
>>     Le sam. 21 août 2021 à 16:52, Napoleon Maou
>>     <napoleon.maou at <mailto:napoleon.maou at>> a écrit :
>>         Hello,
>>         I have a problem with the word processon program.
>>         I type Greek and English characters and the programs displays
>>         them
>>         correctly when I type them.
>>         But when I store the text in a file and then try to load the
>>         file only
>>         the English characters are displayed correctly. The Greek
>>         characters are
>>         not diplayed and some symbol is displayed at their place.
>>         I assume the problem is that gcompris is not using the
>>         correct encoding
>>         when it reads the text from the file, but I can not find an
>>         option to
>>         set the encoding gcompris should use.
>>         Any comments are wellcomed.
>>         Napoleon Maou
>>         -- 
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