GCompris 1.0 beta2 packages

Timothée Giet animtim at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 18:15:49 GMT 2020


Today, thanks to a user report, I noticed that the beta2 package for
Windows 64bit was not working, so I made a new one that should work
correctly. It is also updated with latest translations from today for
the occasion.

Same link as previous one:

Also, a side note: the planned release date has shifted a bit, so now
the deadline to send translations update is November 18th. But please
don't wait the last minute to send your translations if possible.


Le 04/11/2020 à 14:55, Timothée Giet a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have made some beta2 packages, including latest translations from the
> stable branch and recent improvements and bugfixes.
> Reminder: please get your translations ready before November 15th 12:00 CET.
> We plan to do the release on November 17th.
> GNU/Linux 64bit:
> https://gcompris.net/download/qt/linux/beta/gcompris-qt-1.0-beta2-Linux64.sh
> Windows 64bit:
> https://gcompris.net/download/qt/windows/beta/gcompris-qt-1.0-beta2-win64.exe
> Android 32bit:
> https://gcompris.net/download/qt/android/beta/GCompris-Android-debug-armeabi-v7a-dl-1.0-beta2.apk
> md5sum files:
> https://gcompris.net/download/qt/linux/beta/md5sum-1.0-beta2-Linux64
> https://gcompris.net/download/qt/windows/beta/md5sum-1.0-beta2-win64
> https://gcompris.net/download/qt/android/beta/md5sum-1.0-beta2-android
> Thanks,
> Timothée

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