<br><tt><font size=2>Freek de Kruijf <f.de.kruijf@gmail.com> wrote
on 04/07/2010 14:12:58:<br>
> No the machine I am connecting from is the same. However I do not
> use nxclient for the tests, but I use "ssh -i <file-with-key></font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>> nx@<nxserver><br>
<br><tt><font size=2>??? OK, I see where I've been misunderstanding you.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>When you said you could log in using ssh, I thought
you meant you</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>couldn't log in on the same machine with the nxclient
but you could</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>using ssh, when in fact you just mean that the nx
account is locked</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>to ssh even though it shouldn't be.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>Right, I see you have been comparing two servers,
and </font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>nx@<nxserver> is the other one.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>I didn't spot the host name difference in the your
logs even</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>though I copied entries from the two postings.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>Silly me. This is the problem of doing two things
at once.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>Well</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>I think they've made a few changes in pam's account
<br><tt><font size=2>with /etc/nologin.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>I think it's moved to account instead of auth though
I'm not</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>sure of the details without looking it up.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>Who knows what else has changed . .</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>On the other hand it could be you found a bug somewhere.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>Maybe</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2> password: nullok</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>isn't working (if you have it set)</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>Try giving the nx account a password as a test.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>There is also maybe uid >= 500 or some such in
the pam.d</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>files.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>Try setting up a new account with no password and
see if you</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>can ssh to it.</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=2>> -- <br>
> fr.gr.<br>
> <br>
> Freek de Kruijf<br>
> ________________________________________________________________<br>
> Were you helped on this list with your FreeNX
> Then please write up the solution in the FreeNX Wiki/FAQ:<br>
> <br>
> </font></tt><a href="http://openfacts2.berlios.de/wikien/index.php/BerliosProject:FreeNX_-_FAQ"><tt><font size=2>http://openfacts2.berlios.de/wikien/index.php/BerliosProject:FreeNX_-_FAQ</font></tt></a><tt><font size=2><br>
> <br>
> Don't forget to check the NX Knowledge
> </font></tt><a href=http://www.nomachine.com/kb/><tt><font size=2>http://www.nomachine.com/kb/</font></tt></a><tt><font size=2>
> <br>
> ________________________________________________________________<br>
> FreeNX-kNX mailing list --- FreeNX-kNX@kde.org<br>
> </font></tt><a href="https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/freenx-knx"><tt><font size=2>https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/freenx-knx</font></tt></a><tt><font size=2><br>
> ________________________________________________________________<br>