I have been working with a project for an Internet terminal server based
on FreeNX for a group of Home Based private schools. Each school has
anywhere from 100 to 2000 students. I have been building an Amazon EC2
cloud of these NX servers to dynamically grow and shrink in size based
on load and whatnot. For a couple of applications I want shared logins
for example ApplicationA the user connects to the website <a href="http://[myapp].[mydomain].com/nx/?u=[schoolid]&t=[appname]" target="_blank">http://[myapp].[mydomain].com/nx/?u=[schoolid]&t=[appname]</a>
a php script then generates the NX client config file dynamically for
the Web Companion. My issue is that I want the session to start a new
session without prompting to connect to a shared session. On the same
note some of the users are not getting prompted for attaching to a
shared session and are getting explicitly denied to attach to a shared
session instead of starting a new one. Does anyone know how to configure
the client to just start a new session instead of trying to attach to a
shared session?<br>