----- Melding fra ojkastl@gmx.de ---------<br /><br />
> On 07/05/2007 08:51 PM Johannes Kastl wrote:<br />
><br />
>> Can somebody please shed some light on this issue, I would have<br />
>> advised to delete the file in the packages, because of the above<br />
>> mentioned problems.<br />
><br />
> Thanks to everyone who answered, you really shed some light ;-)<br />
><br />
> If I understand correctly, the file is necessary for the FreeNX<br />
> nxserver to work. And, as Stefan changed the directories back to<br />
> /usr/bin/, there should no longer be a problem, even when installing<br />
> both FreeNX and nomachine nxclient on the same machine.<br />
><br /></p><p>Correct. Actually if you want to have nicer/prettier
dialog-boxes, installing NoMachine NXClient on the server would actually
achieve this. FreeNX will automatically use the NoMachine NXClient for the
dialogs inside the sessions.</p><p>
> Just my 2 cents:<br />
> To avoid misunderstandings in the future, it might be good to think<br />
> about renaming it, as it is very confusing to have two files with the<br />
> same name doing different things. Especially newbies to NX could be<br />
> easily confused.<br />
></p><p>I might agree with you on this, but it's easy to see why it was named
'nxclient' when you read what its function is - to replace the NoMachine
NXClient. This nxclient-script is also not used when you install the NoMachine
NXClient on the server (as explained above).</p><p>In a retrospective view, I
agree that the nxclient-script could be named differently to avoid
confusion.</p><p>Maybe something to think about for the next version, Fabian?
Or is it possible to include the NXClient from 2X (and maybe get someone to
work on NX3.0 compatibility for it? Is Rafael, or others from 2X, reading this
list, anyways?) ?</p><p>Clearly issues like this will have to be addressed in
the documentation for the upcoming release.</p><p>/Terje<br /></p>