<tt>I am trying to build nx/freenx.</tt><br>
<tt>I put the following in my /etc/apt/sources.list</tt><br>
<tt>deb-src <a href="http://mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl/">http://mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl/</a> feisty-seveas extras freenx</tt><br>
<tt>Then I downloaded the sources like this</tt><br>
<tt>apt-get source nx freenx</tt><br>
<tt>tar xvfz *.gz</tt><br>
<tt>Then I did a cd to nx-2.1.0</tt><br>
<tt>Then I ran</tt><br>
<tt>fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -b</tt><br>
<tt>I get this error</tt><br>
<tt>make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wharvey/tmp3/freenx6/nx-2.1.0'</tt><br>
<tt>if [ "debian/stamp-patched" = "reverse-patches" ]; then rm -f</tt><br>
<tt>debian/stamp-patched; fi</tt><br>
<tt>patches: debian/patches/21_nxauth_dont-compile.diff</tt><br>
<tt>Trying patch debian/patches/21_nxauth_dont-compile.diff at level 1 ...</tt><br>
<tt>0 ... 2 ... failure.</tt><br>
<tt>make: *** [debian/stamp-patched] Error 1</tt><br>
<tt>Can anyone point me in the right direction?</tt><br>