Hi ,<br><br>I have many users connecting to the Freenx server concurrently.The setup is with a thin client on the clinet side and ubuntu on the server side.I have a nx clinet 1.5 on the thin clinet and freenx server 1.4 on the server side.
<br>First when one user logs in and uses Firefox he can do it successfully.But when another user logs into the same server and uses firefox and error comes up saying THERE IS ALREADY FIREFOX RUNNING>PLZ CLOSE OR RESTART SYSTEM.
<br>How to overcome this when many users are connecting to the same server.<br><br><span class="ppt" id="_user_freenx-knx@kde.org"></span><span class="ppt" id="_user_freenx-knx@kde.org"></span><br>Thanks in Advance.<br>Abdul.