[FreeNX-kNX] Re: Logging in takes a long time

Yves Goergen nospam.list at unclassified.de
Sun May 1 07:42:52 UTC 2011

On 01.05.2011 09:12 CE(S)T, Yves Goergen wrote:
> No, text is displayed on the remote side. And I like the Linux font
> rendering better than Windows', so that's ok.

Anyway, when I make a Terminal window on the remote desktop full-screen
or reverse, it takes an unnoticeable amount of time. That is really
fast! Here the NX claim "near local speed" is absolutely true. (Only the
root password window with its screen background fading animation
flickers a lot.) So a simple screen update can (must) certainly not be
responsible to 25 seconds connection time.

Are there NX developers on this list that know what's going on here or
than can instruct me to collect further debugging information?

Within the first 7 seconds of connecting, I see around 160 SSH packets
of sizes from 48 to 600 bytes. The following 20 seconds I see over 1100
SSH packets, where the server always sends me 48 or 64 bytes and the
client sends back 48 bytes. This packet exchange is at 16 ms each, so it
may be as fast as my DSL line can be.

An NX connection to my local VM server (1024x768 resolution) does all
the same, but in 2 seconds instead of 20 (that makes 2 ms per packet).

Is this an NX protocol design flaw that only shows up on "low-latency"
connections like DSL? What would possibly happen on an UMTS connection,
I guess the connection could take as much as 4 minutes to connect...
I'll have to try that.

Yves Goergen "LonelyPixel" <nospam.list at unclassified.de>
Visit my web laboratory at http://beta.unclassified.de

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