[FreeNX-kNX] Compiling windows client usermode nxssh wrapper

Alan J. Pippin apippin at pippins.net
Sat May 29 20:35:18 UTC 2010

I pulled the SVN repository for FreeNX, and made some changes to the
trunk/freenx-utils/nxpublickey/nxssh-4US.c file to support the "port:"
directive from nxclient. I've attempted to compile this under Ubuntu Linux:

> svn checkout
> cd trunk/freenx-utils/nxpublickey/
> make nxssh.exe

I then copied the new nxssh.exe over to my Windows machine that needs to use
it, and followed the usermode directions posted on the FreeNX FAQ. The
nxssh.exe provided by http://download.berlios.de/freenx/nxssh.exe works
great. However, I have a non-standard SSH port I need to connect to on a
server I do not have root access to (hence the need to change and recompile
the nxssh.exe file). Whether or not I make any changes to nxssh-4US.c or
not, the resulting .exe file doesn't appear to work correctly under windows.
Nxclient cannot connect to any server using it (various connection issue
messages are generated when I try). Does anyone know the "secret sauce"
needed to compile a new nxssh.exe usermode wrapper? Even out of the "SVN"
box, this code won't compile and run properly doing it the way I described
above. Does anyone know how to successfully compile it and have it work
under Windows? Since there is one out there that works, I know it is
possible, I just need to know how to do it! If anyone has been successful in
this regard, please share...


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