[FreeNX-kNX] Multiple problems getting freenx to work, authentication faled for nx user and after re-install nxserver won't start.

Todd Bateman wtab at comcast.net
Fri Feb 12 22:08:45 UTC 2010

I have been trying for a few days now to get FreeNX installed and setup 
and working but as of so far I have not been able to. If I need to 
remove and re-install it agin it not a problem just tell me what to 
change from what I did. At first I was getting a Authentication failed 
error for the nx user, I googled the error and followed some of the 
directions I found but found things were getting so messed up that I 
removed it and reinstalled it (will include how I removed it and 
installed it at the bottom for those interested). After I reinstalled it 
i executed:

nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key
nxserver --start
mv: cannot stat '/usr/NX/home/nx/.ssh/authorized_keys2.disabled': No 
such File or Directory

I take a look and the /usr/NX/home directory is empty the nx/.ssh 
directory didn't get created. I created these directories but no idea 
where I can get this file or get it created and no idea if I have the 
right permissions or the right owner/group on the directories. Also the 
/etc/nxserver directory and files that should be inside it are not being 
created as well as /var/lib/nxserver.

I should say that to be able to set this up I ssh into the linux box 
(Slackware 13/64 bit) and that the system is run headless now that the 
operating system is installed and networking up and I can ssh into the 
box. I used source tarballs to install it. Before I removed freenx I was 
just getting the authentication failed for the nx user (when the 
directories were there and so on) if I tried to ssh into the freenx 
server for the nx user as I have seen suggested as a way to check I 
would get asked for a password.

ssh -p 22222 -i /usr/NX/etc/users.id_dsa.pub nx at localhost
nx at localhost's password <enter>
Permission Denied please try again
nx at localhost's password <enter>
Permission Denied please try again
nx at localhost's password <enter>
Permission Denied (publickey, password, keyboard-interactive)

The /var/log/messages shows this:

Feb 12 12:51:54 krazy sshd[6520]: Invalid user nx from
Feb 12 12:51:54 krazy sshd[6520]: Failed none for invalid user nx from port 49206 ssh2
Feb 12 12:51:56 krazy sshd[6520]: Failed password for invalid user nx 
from port 49206 ssh2
Feb 12 12:51:59 krazy last message repeated 2 times

There is no entry in the /var/log/secure for anything to do with freenx 
at or around the same time.

Here are the steps I took to remove freenx:

nxserver --stop
nxserver --status (to make sure it did stop)
cd /usr/src/nx
rm -r nx*
rm -r freenx*
cd /usr
rm -r NX
rm /var/log/nxserver.log
cd /usr/bin
ls nx*
rm nx*
cd /sbin
rm smbmount
rm smbumount
rm /etc/X11/xdm

Here are the steps I used to install it, it was a 4 page pdf file that I 
found somewhere I can't find the link or name of author to give them 
credit. It was designed to install on Centos 5 using 3.0.0 but I altered 
to work with 3.4.0:

cd /downloads
(could not find 64 bit version)
(could not find 64 bit version)
(could not find 64 bit version)
(could not find 64 bit version)
wget http://download2.berlios.de/freenx/freenx-0.7.1.tar.gz (could not 
find 64 bit version)
mkdir /usr/src/nx
cd /usr
tar -xzf /download/nxserver-3.4.0-12.x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xzf /download/nxclient-3.4.0-5.x86_64.tar.gz
tar -xzf /download/nxnode-3.4.0-11.x86_64.tar.gz
cd /usr/src/nx
tar -xzf /download/nxcomp-3.4.0-1.tar.gz
tar -xzf /download/nxcompext-3.4.0-1.tar.gz
tar -xzf /download/nxcompshad-3.4.0-3.tar.gz
tar -xzf /download/nxesd-3.4.0-1.tar.gz
cd nxcomp
cp --preserve libXcomp.so* /usr/NX/lib
cd ../nxcompext
./configure --x-includes="/usr/include/xorg -I/usr/include/X11"
cp --preserve libXcompext.so* /usr/NX/lib
cd ../nxcompshad
cp --preserve libXcompshad.so* /usr/NX/lib
cd ../nxesd
make install
cd ../freenx-0.7.1
patch -p0 < gentoo-nomachine.diff
cp -f nxkeygen /usr/NX/bin
cp -f nxloadconfig /usr/NX/bin
cp -f nxnode /usr/NX/bin
cp -f nxnode-login /usr/NX/bin
cp -f nxserver /usr/NX/bin
cp -f nxsetup /usr/NX/bin
cp -f nxcups-gethost /usr/NX/bin
cd nxserver-helper
cp -f nxserver-helper /usr/NX/bin
cd ..
ln -s /usr/NX/bin/nxserver /usr/bin/nxserver
ln -s /usr/NX/bin/nxsetup /usr/bin/nxsetup
ln -s /usr/NX/bin/nxloadconfig
ln -s /usr/NX/lib/libXrender.so.1.2.2 /usr/NX/lib/libXrender.so.1.2
ln -s /usr/NX/bin/nxagent /usr/bin/nxdesktop
ln -s /usr/NX/bin/nxagent /usr/bin/nxviewer
ln -s /usr/bin/foomatic-ppdfile /usr/lib/cups/driver/foomatic-ppdfile 
(error because file don't exist because I don't have cups installed, no 
printer so no need)
ln -s /etc/X11/xinit /etc/X11/xdm
ln -s /sbin/mount.cifs /sbin/smbmount
ln -s /sbin/umount.cifs /sbin/smbumount
nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key (says it creating things 
(user,database,keys) gives no error)
nxserver --start
mv: cannot stat '/usr/NX/home/nx/.ssh/authorized_keys2.disabled': No 
such File or Directory
nxserver --status (shows it stopped)

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