[FreeNX-kNX] load-balancing doc?

Matt Nicholson sjoeboo at sjoeboo.com
Wed May 27 15:58:28 UTC 2009

So, this is super-duper late, but, I have/admin a load balanced setup

Basically, we have a BIG cluster, as in 6000+ cores big. We have 3 user
accessible access systems, that are access via a DNS round robin. SO, somone
connect to xx.yy.zz, and they end up at either xx1,xx2,or xx3.yy.zz.

We wanted to give users NX access to their sessions. /home and anumber of
other filesystems are share between all nodes, so this was fairly simple.
Since users could end up on any of the 3 systems, I did the following:

xx2 is the "MASTER system", running nx, as a load balancer (just handing
clients out randomly really).
xx1 and xx3 forward any nx connection to xx2, where they are dealt with.
this way if a user connect, runs on xx1, but then suspends, and alter
connects and hits xx3, they will get sent back to the "master" system, where
it finds their session and reconnects to teh right box.

it works....fairly well. As with NX in general, lots of time has been spend
tracking down little errors/issues (someone make a bad edit to their
.bashrc, ssh logins work, but NX fails, etc). I'll be sending on issue we
have to this list shrotly.

So, there a breif overview of how we have it setup. Feel free to contact me
for help/etc.

Matthew Nicholson

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 6:12 PM, jhonyl <jhonyl at netscape.net> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Is there some documentation about load balancing in freenx?
> If not could someone who does it give an overview?
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