[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX Server with CIFS client printing

Carlos Sosa casosac at correo.nu
Wed Nov 19 14:30:41 UTC 2008


Maybe the time has come to:

Start building a roadmap to show what parts of freenx are not working ok, or

Searching other alternatives to overcome printing inconveniences, let me
humble suggest 

tinc-vpn.org node (hamachi free alternative)

Waiting comments from developers if this addon is possible.



vsp_123 wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> I have the exact same question, but have not had any success either  
> getting it to work or getting any help.
> The puzzling thing is that it partially worked in a different setup  
> before I decided to clean up everything and redo from the beginning  
> (obviously different NX version, OS version etc.). The main thing is  
> that I do not know how NX ties the different things together, so  
> without some help from the developers I guess it is going to take a  
> lot of work.
> If you make any headway, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Prakash
> On Nov 18, 2008, at 1:54 PM, Justin Lunning wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I'm running into a problem trying to print via NX from a client  
>> using CIFS.  The printer tunnels correctly to the Ubuntu server  
>> running FreeNX 0.7.3.  It shows up as an available printer in all  
>> the Gnome printer dialogs.  But when I try to print to it, nothing  
>> happens.  When I look at the status of the printer it says "Cannot  
>> connect to CIFS host".
>> If I change the FreeNX server option, SAMBA_MOUNT_SHARE_PROTOCOL,  
>> from "both" to "smbfs, printing works.  So it seems SMB (port 139)  
>> works ok, but not CIFS (port 445).
>> This is fine for Windows XP clients, since they use SMB.  But  
>> Windows Vista clients only use CIFS, so I cannot print from them.   
>> I've disabled the Vista firewall, double-checked my username and  
>> password, etc.  I don't think it's a tunneling/port problem, as I  
>> can telnet to the tunneled printer port on the server and it  
>> establishes a connection.
>> Has anyone gotten CIFS printing to work with FreeNX server and a  
>> NoMachine client on Vista?  I'm using the latest versions for both.
>> Justin
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>>                 http://www.nomachine.com/kb/
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>                  http://www.nomachine.com/kb/ 
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