[FreeNX-kNX] How can I do Sizing?

Florian Schmidt fschmidt at gmx.at
Thu Aug 7 05:45:19 UTC 2008


we monitor for Server sizing the following values:
- Number of processes and threads
- nx agents / users
- load average (15min, 1min, 15sec)
- Total CPU usage (user, nice, system, IO, IRQ, SoftIRQ)
- Memory usage (used, free, buffers, cached, swap)
- CPU usage per nx agent
- number of TCP connections
=> all this values where messured by self written perl scripts and plotted with drraw (rrd graphing tool)

Out of this messurements we found out that our machine:

SUN Fire X4100 (2x DualCore Opteron 2.2GHz, 16GB Memory, Dual PowerSupply, RAID1)

Can support at maximum 100 user sessions without getting performance issues for the user. 

The installation is a RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.6 with:
- screensavers disabled (only black screen)
- disabled gamin (gam_server)
- disabled polling of virtual floppy/CD drive (provided by the service processor)

It should be also possible to load the machine with a higher amount of sessions by providing a higher number of memory. Faster CPUs are not important (nothing should be computed on such a machine anyways) a higher number of cpu cores provides better user scaling. So maybe with a new X4100M2 with AMD QuadCore Opteron Processors and 8x4GB of memory it would be possible to provide 200 or more sessions on a single machine.

This machine runs login sessions, shells, browser, some small interactive tools, everything taking more CPU or memory get's dispatched to the companies compute farm.

I think it would be nice when also other people post there results in session scalability here so we can compare and learn.


P.S.: Sorry but currently I am not allowed to post our monitoring scripts.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Wed, 6 Aug 2008 16:41:05 -0500
> Von: "7th Sign | Iván Rico" <7th_sign at soy-geek.com>
> An: "User Support for FreeNX Server and kNX Client" <freenx-knx at kde.org>
> Betreff: [FreeNX-kNX] How can I do Sizing?

> Hello list,
> I have a question, again =P
> it is about the sizing of the NX Server, I mean, how do I measure the
> server?
> I want to have the right especification.
> I was looking for ths but I don't have anything.
> Ivan Rico

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