[FreeNX-kNX] Manually starting a freenx session

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Sat Sep 8 05:23:53 UTC 2007

> I think i understand your idea... I'm not familiar with netcat or faucet
> but
> i will look into it this weekend and try to implement it monday.

netcat is used in nxserver anyway, so that is dependency already.

faucet is one possibility. You could also run the "daemon" via some inetd implementation.

> Still, there's one thing i didn't understood. Where does in your code/idea
> does the frontnode starts the session in backnode? 

Its already started. The code changes hooks into the part, before telling nxssh to tunnel the connection and after the session is started on backnode and backnode is just awaiting the connection from some ip.

So our ideas are very very similar (well you can't implement it in soooo many different ways).

However in my idea you do not even need to use the username and password, but can connect via "nx" user again.

Looking forward to your implementation.



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