[FreeNX-kNX] knx mingw

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Tue Nov 6 16:29:41 UTC 2007

> Hi has anyone done more work on the knx win32 client using mingw.  The
> !M client is really unstable for non super wizz users because of the
> common cygwin dll conflict problem.

This has been a issue for not many users so far. Indeed I have rarely heard it and in one case it was because of a non-standard installation procedure. However with the availability of the Web Compangion for testdrive even this is a non-issue now.

On most systems today the cyqwin.dll are even identical.

> !M and cygwin have had this problem for years without addressing it in
> resulting in only about 5% of windows users being able to use the
> client.

This is just plain wrong. It might be that _you_ were not able to use the client. I had never had any problems on 98, XP or Vista.

> Surly this can be sorted out its a MASSIVE problem, any ideas anyone!!!


You have no idea. People that know me, know that I use seldom sharp words, but this time it is time for it.

That is uber rubbish.

You know what?

The cygwin.dll is needed for the open source components. Even the moznx for Windows used cygwin compiled components.

Please provide evidence that cygwin still is a problem and conclude how a open source solution could help here directly.



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