[FreeNX-kNX] Audio in X-lite starts to work but stop..

Jo-Erlend Schinstad joerlend.schinstad at gmail.com
Sun May 20 00:56:14 UTC 2007

Hello André.

This is interesting. I've used Xten Lite with both freenx and
nomachine I think, without any problems. I'm not sure I tested for
that long period a time though. (Ten seconds is a long time for a
test-call, I think. )

Are you absolutely sure it's about freenx at all, and not a routing
misconfiguration? My ITSP uses different ports and I had some similar
problems until I configured my router properly. If it's freenx, then
you should be able to record using the microphone for a longer period
than 10 seconds. To test playback, of course, you can just play an ogg
or something.

Good luck, and please let us know how it went :)

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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