[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX and Debian Etch - A Horror Tale

jhonyl at netscape.net jhonyl at netscape.net
Sat Jun 16 15:01:43 UTC 2007


 For me the "http://kern.nl/freenx/" worked. I saved all the files there in a single directory in my computer (/home/me/freenxpkg), added "deb file:/home/me/freenxpkg/ ./" to /etc/apt/source.list, did "aptitude update", and installed using synaptic.
I also had the sshd,  openssh I think, installed, and checked to be working before hand. I don't know if there are any new changes to it, one of the files I have is freenx_0.6.0dol1_all.deb . For me it worked out of the box. I should mention that I also installed the NX version, and then uninstalled it before installing the freenx version.

I quote: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/freenx-knx/2007-February/004668.html
"[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX 0.6.0 and NX libs 2.1.0 packages for Debian
Durk Strooisma durk at kern.nl 
Tue Feb 13 14:16:05 CET 2007 

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>> > deb http://kern.nl/freenx/ ./
>> But, I cannot get it. The server says:
> Yes, you can:
> http://kern.nl/freenx/Packages.gz
>> But, I cannot get it. The server says:
> Yes, you can:
> http://kern.nl/freenx/Packages.gz

Exactly, you can grab the files file by file. Anyway, here are the direct


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Daum <gator_ml at yahoo.de>
To: freenx-knx at kde.org
Sent: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 3:32 pm
Subject: [FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX and Debian Etch - A Horror Tale

according to some postings here it seems to be at least not completely
opeless to run nx on Debian Etch.I checked out anything that I could
ind, but to no avail. Here my experiences:
The packages provided by nomachine have obvious unresolved library
ependencies (at least libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3, I didn't go any deeper
ecause the free version is too restricted for my purposes anyway).
I tried "http://kern.nl/freenx/" which was mentioned here. The session
lways timed out. With the highest loglevel the only hint from the log
as that nxagent failed. Eventually I found that there is an uresolved
ibrary dependency on libXcompext.so.2 (while the deb package claims to
epend on libxcompext1). The only "libXcompext.so.2" I could find was
omewhere in an rpm package for redhat fc6. With this library, nxagent
rashes with a floating point exception.
Then I tried "http://packages.debianbase.de/etch/i386/nx" (also mentioned
ere). Again there first was an unmet library dependency, this time "nxagent"
as linked against "libXcomp.so.1", while the package claims to depend on
ibxcomp1 (which only contains a libXcomp.so.2). I eventually found a
uitable library in an old nomachine nx client. Next, nxagent would not start
ecause it could not find the font "fixed" (which it was looking for at
usr/X11R6/lib/X11/ while it actually is at /usr/share/fonts/X11) which I
ixed with a symlink.
Now I can at least start nxagent by hand, but the nxserver is still
ot working - now the log contains the message
"1004 Error: nxagent failed to start with: Unrecognized option: 1"
nd at least at first sight, I can't figure out what is going wrong
hist time...
All this was taking place on a freshly installed Debian Etch system
Actually, I was planning to swich to debian in the future).
Has anybody meanwhile discovered NX packages for Debian Etch that really
ork (and maybe are even sort of maintained?). Even if I find a workaround
or that last syntax error, I'd be scared that the next minor upgrade might
reak things again ...
               Peter Daum
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