[FreeNX-kNX] connecting to XDM

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Tue Jul 24 13:29:00 UTC 2007

> I have recently switched from the NoMachine nxserver to the freenx server.
> previously i was able to connect to the running XDM session so i get a
> standard
> login screen as if i was standing at the console.
> But ever since switching to freenx server, i cannot connect to the XDM.
> I can still connect if i directly start a gnome session.
> is there something i need to do so that i can connect to a running XDM?

Sorry XDM is not supported by FreeNX.

The reasoning is:

- You have to login twice, which is additional hassle
- If you use a standard login (user:user) anyone can resume a session of any user if its not locked ...

Can you please explain why XDM support is still useful / necessary for you?



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