[FreeNX-kNX] Kontact as standalone application via FreeNX

Thomas Reitelbach tr at erdfunkstelle.de
Fri Dec 21 15:19:13 UTC 2007

Am Freitag, 21. Dezember 2007 15:08:43 schrieb Daniel Kowalewski:

> Hello list. What were your problems with the wrapper. I was running
> pidgin from a script a while back that would kill all pidgin processes
> before starting a new one. I didn't have any problems there.

Well, I'm not finally sure what the problem was.
i created a simple bash script like this:


But it did not start kontact. Then i placed a "touch /tmp/test.tmp" into the 
script but the file "test.tmp" was never created and I had no idea why. I 
tried several things, added full paths before any binary programs to avoid 
the common pitfalls, but it didn't work in any way.

Can you attach your pidgin wrapper script? Maybe I can see the difference and 
why mine was failing.


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