[FreeNX-kNX] NX Printing

Jon Scottorn jscottorn at possibilityforge.com
Mon Mar 6 16:19:09 UTC 2006

Hi All,

   I have a question about nx printing.  I can not seem to get a windows
client printers to work.
Here is my senario.

  I have a debian linux box running freenx 0.4.4.  I connect to it from
a windows XP box with the nx client version 1.5.0-138 with the printer
shared and setup in the nx client connection.
I can not seem to get the printer to work with the connection.  I am not
sure what is missing to get this to work.  
I have setup another connection with a linux client and printing works
just fine.  Same nx client version as the windows client.
What am I missing to get the windows client to be able to print?
I am new to the nx world so forgive my ignorance.


Jon Scottorn
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