[FreeNX-kNX] NX without X

Alastair Johnson alastair at solutiontrax.com
Thu Jun 1 18:08:14 UTC 2006

THe NX Server is an X server, but instead of sending output to a physical 
display it compresses it and sends it over a network connection to a client. 
For RDP and VNC you're effectively running rdesktop and vncviewer on the 
server, and the server is compressing their display output and sending it to 
the client. The NX server also displays some dialogs to the user using 
xmessage (or the NX Client if it's installed), again sent over to the client. 
This will need some level of X support, but shouldn't need a full-blown X 
server. It's possible this is included in the nx-x11 part of the libraries, 
but I've never had cause to install FreeNX on a machine that didn't already 
have X installed, so I'm not certain.

You don't mention what distro you're using. Its packaging requirements _may_ 
be more of a restriction here than the strict requirements of NX, so I 
suggest you try it and see what the packaging system pulls in as 

On Thursday 01 June 2006 17:58, Mark Hellman wrote:
> Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:
> > NX is an X compression library (simplyfing a lot), so I can't imagine
> > how could you get running X applications over NX with having the X
> > libraries installed . It's much like trying to run a graphical
> > application with a Graphical User Interface ;-)
> I do not want to run X applications. I want NX to serve only as a VNC and
> RDP accelerator and gateway for Internet access to internal LAN computers.
> Mark
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