[FreeNX-kNX] NX client 1.5 - Debian - freenx (fresh install on 2 boxes) working binaries, suspect xauthority ; xsession but no X on NXClient ;

Tyler Ellis tyler at inhousesupport.com
Sat Jul 8 04:55:37 UTC 2006

Correction NX Client 2.0 on windows
degrading to 1.5 client made it work,
NX Client 2.0 debian also does not work
Not sure about linux 1.5 client working or not..

Tyler Ellis wrote:

>I have been working at this forever and im stumped/annoyed. I have found 
>out alot about nx /free nx in the process (OMG THE PUN!).
>The nxclient runs using whatever windows compiler, however the backend 
>stuff is all cygwin. The backend scares me as I use cygwin and the /home 
>directory is set differntly depending on whether or not you have cygwin 
>or not.  Cygwin looks fine, but it could be largely the reason im having 
>an issue. Having more then one cygwin.dll on one system in the past has 
>caused crashes, otherwise the system runs fine. Having installed cygwin, 
>registries entries are placed that effect $home, xauthority lives in 
>$home if the nxclient is windows based as it infers to be as it is not 
>is ps -a in cygwin like the other nx apps are, well then, it could be 
>dropping an xauthority file somewhere else. Although the good news is 
>have tools to work with in troubleshooting. I can say that NXAuth is 
>pickup up my Xauthority (files as noted in my debug).
>Summarly to this debug proccess below, i believe my Xauthority system is 
>f*ed cause isaw that message a few times while playing with the bash in 
>nxserver. The error message was xauthority size mismatch... But im not 
>sure what i did to the bash script to show it in the nxclient and i lost 
>that change i think those errors are going to /dev/null or something..
>My following debug only shows that kde is working with nxagent as seen 
>in a session file on the linux box. My netstat/network config on my 
>windows box implies tunnels are setup.. I think the problem is 
>Xauthority, i don't know how to fix it.
>I have actually manually launche NXwin :0  through putty, then doing 
>nxagent :1000 ,exporting the new display, starting kde on the linux box 
>and got X using NXwin so i know that all my bimaries are good. I have 
>debian etch. Cygwin, windows Xp.
>#My script (A script I wrote to cross ref cygwin to netstat: )
>$ cat ipproc
>for i in `ps -a|awk {'print $1'}|grep -v PID`; do ps -a| grep $i |grep 
>-v PID && netstat -ano |grep $i; done
>   4044       1    4044       4044  con  500 08:52:11 /usr/bin/bash
>    552    4044     552       2624  con  500 15:55:26 /usr/bin/sh
>    (Meaning no connections)
>$ "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/NX Client for Windows/bin/NXAuth" list
>localhost:1000  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845
>mythXen/unix:1000  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845
>*mythXen:~# nxserver --list
>NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-45-SVN OS (GPL)
>NX> 127 Sessions list:
>Display Username        Remote IP       Session ID
>------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------
>NX> 999 Bye
>*mythXen:~# ps -ax -f|grep nx
>Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See 
>23160 pts/2    S+     0:00  |       \_ grep nx
>Okay nothing is running on the Linux or Windows box
>I press start the client and hit login. , my login screen dissapears and 
>this is what my ps tree looks like.
>*26186 pts/7    S+     0:00  |       \_ grep nx
>24864 ?        Ss     0:00  \_ sshd: nx [priv]
>24866 ?        S      0:00  |   \_ sshd: nx at notty
>25014 ?        S      0:00  |           \_ /bin/bash 
>/usr/lib/nx/nxserver -c /usr/lib/nx/nxserver
>25015 ?        S      0:00  |               \_ /bin/bash 
>/usr/lib/nx/nxserver -c /usr/lib/nx/nxserver
>25032 ?        Sl     0:00  |               |   \_ /usr/bin/expect 
>/usr/lib/nx/nxnode-login -- ssh xenshu 22 /usr/lib/nx/nxnode --startsession
>25035 pts/3    Ss+    0:00  |               |   |   \_ ssh -2 -x -l 
>xenshu -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts 1 -p 22 /usr/lib/nx/nxnode 
>25034 ?        S      0:00  |               |   \_ tee -a 
>25017 ?        S      0:00  |               \_ /bin/bash 
>/usr/lib/nx/nxserver -c /usr/lib/nx/nxserver
>25043 ?        Ss     0:00          \_ /bin/bash /usr/lib/nx/nxnode 
>25168 ?        S      0:00              \_ /bin/bash /usr/lib/nx/nxnode 
>25169 ?        S      0:00              |   \_ tail -n1 -f 
>25170 ?        S      0:00              |   \_ /bin/bash 
>/usr/lib/nx/nxnode --startsession
>25172 ?        S      0:00              \_ /bin/bash /usr/lib/nx/nxnode 
>25173 ?        S      0:00              |   \_ /usr/lib/nx/nxagent 
>-persistent -name NX - xenshu at mythXen:1002 - local22 (GPL Edition) 
>-kbtype pc102/en_US -geometry fullscreen -bs when_requested :1002
>25175 ?        S      0:00              \_ /bin/bash /usr/lib/nx/nxnode 
>25692 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/bash /usr/lib/nx/nxserver -c 
>26097 ?        S      0:00 /bin/bash /usr/lib/nx/nxnode --resumesession
>*NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-45-SVN OS (GPL)
>NX> 127 Sessions list:
>Display Username        Remote IP       Session ID
>------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------
>1002    xenshu     436C42C37961888500E81B791A32BF3C
>NX> 999 Bye
>*mythXen:~# cat 
>Couldn't open RGB_DB '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb'
>NXAGENT - Version 1.5.0
>Copyright (C) 2001, 2005 NoMachine.
>See http://www.nomachine.com/ for more information.
>Info: Agent running with pid '25173'.
>nxagentProcessOptionsFile: Option file is 
>nxagentProcessOptionsFile: Option file is 213 bytes long.
>nxagentParseOptionString: Warning ignored option 'cache' = '8M'.
>nxagentParseOptionString: Warning ignored option 'images' = '32M'.
>nxagentParseOptionString: Warning ignored option 'link' = 'adsl'.
>nxagentParseOptionString: Warning ignored option 'type' = 'unix-kde'.
>nxagentParseOptionString: Warning ignored option 'cleanup' = '0'.
>nxagentParseOptionString: Warning ignored option 'accept' = ''.
>nxagentParseOptionString: Warning ignored option 'cookie' = 
>nxagentParseOptionString: Warning ignored option 'samba' = '0'.
>nxagentParseOptionString: Warning ignored option 'media' = '1'.
>Info: Proxy running in server mode with pid '25173'.
>Info: Waiting for connection from '' on port '5002'.
>Info: Accepted connection from '' on port '39475'.
>Info: Connection with remote proxy established.
>Info: Synchronizing local and remote caches.
>Info: Handshaking with remote proxy completed.
>Info: Using cache parameters 4/262144/8192KB/8192KB.
>Info: Using image cache parameters 1/1/32768KB.
>Info: Using split parameters 100/16384/6144/1024KB.
>Info: Using adsl link parameters 8192/8/10/50.
>Info: Using agent parameters 49152/0/0.
>Info: Using pack method '16m-jpeg-7' with session 'unix-kde'.
>Info: Using ZLIB data compression level 3.
>Info: Using ZLIB data threshold set to 32.
>Info: Using ZLIB stream compression level 6.
>Info: Using remote ZLIB data compression level 3.
>Info: Using remote ZLIB stream compression level 6.
>Info: Not using processor load limit.
>Info: No suitable cache file found.
>Info: Listening for multimedia connections on port '8002'.
>Info: Starting X protocol compression.
>*mythXen:~# cat -s /etc/ssh/sshd_config |grep -v \#|sed '/^$/d;'
>AllowTCPForwarding yes
>Port 22
>Protocol 2
>HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
>HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
>UsePrivilegeSeparation yes
>KeyRegenerationInterval 3600
>ServerKeyBits 768
>SyslogFacility AUTH
>LogLevel INFO
>LoginGraceTime 120
>PermitRootLogin yes
>StrictModes yes
>RSAAuthentication yes
>PubkeyAuthentication yes
>AuthorizedKeysFile      %h/.ssh/authorized_keys2
>IgnoreRhosts yes
>RhostsRSAAuthentication no
>HostbasedAuthentication no
>PermitEmptyPasswords no
>ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
>X11Forwarding yes
>#I tried no for X11 but it still didn't work.
>X11DisplayOffset 10
>PrintMotd no
>PrintLastLog yes
>TCPKeepAlive yes
>AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
>Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
>UsePAM yes
>*mythXen:~# xauth list
>mythXen/unix:10  MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1  6eb602ca3c88b5f10304e31b597138b5
>$ ./ipproc.sh
>     4044       1    4044       4044  con  500 08:52:11 /usr/bin/bash
>      456    4044     456       3224  con  500 16:08:20 /usr/bin/sh
>     3820       1    3820       3820    ?  500 16:05:31 
>/cygdrive/c/Program Files/NX Client for Windows/bin/cygserver
>     3940       1    4000       2388    ?  500 16:05:32 
>/cygdrive/c/Program Files/NX Client for Windows/bin/NXWin
>     3080       1    3080       3080    ?  500 16:05:33 
>/cygdrive/c/Program Files/NX Client for Windows/bin/nxssh
>  TCP         ESTABLISHED     3080
>  TCP         ESTABLISHED     3080
>  TCP         ESTABLISHED     3080
>  TCP       ESTABLISHED     3080
>  UDP         *:*                                    3080
>     2884       1    2464       4072    ?  500 16:05:42 
>/cygdrive/c/Program Files/NX Client for Windows/bin/nxesd
>icq: 128863882
>aim: dragophoenixfire
>yahoo: kerpal2343
>Tyler Ellis
>     Were you helped on this list with your FreeNX problem?
>    Then please write up the solution in the FreeNX Wiki/FAQ:
>  http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=FreeNX_FAQ
>         Don't forget to check the NX Knowledge Base:
>                 http://www.nomachine.com/kb/ 
>       FreeNX-kNX mailing list --- FreeNX-kNX at kde.org
>      https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/freenx-knx

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