[FreeNX-kNX] Embedding NX within a GUI

John Logsdon j.logsdon at quantex-research.com
Wed Feb 8 10:30:27 UTC 2006

I want to know if this has already been done or at least is possible.

I want to separate a Windows GUI from a backend calculation engine.  This
split can be done fairly easily in the application but communication
between the GUI and the engine is the issue.

Can we embed the NX client within the GUI so that it communicates with the
engine which will be elsewhere?  Both are official nomachine NX clients
and servers.

What are the implications for returning data - particularly graphics -
which would need to be directed to within the GUI window ideally?

Best wishes


John Logsdon                               "Try to make things as simple
Quantex Research Ltd, Manchester UK         as possible but not simpler"
j.logsdon at quantex-research.com              a.einstein at relativity.org
+44(0)161 445 4951/G:+44(0)7717758675       www.quantex-research.com

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