[FreeNX-kNX] drag and drop

Michal Nowikowski godfryd at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 15:21:16 UTC 2005


I was wondering if it is possible to add such feature like drag and drop
for copying files between local and remote computer using NX technology.
I was investigating this concept. It occurs that nxagent and nxclient
and nxserver/freenx
probably should be modified. Copying from local to remote computer could
look like:
1. drag file and drop onto window of nxclient
2. nxclient detects it and sends some command to nx server over ssh
(for example start ftp over nxproxy)
3. transfer file to the remote computer using ftp

Copying backward would look like:
1. drag from remote computer desktop to the edge of window
2. nxagent detects this event and sends some command to nx client
3. then ftp over nxproxy is started
4. file is transfered from remote to local host

It is possible to modify nxagent and freenx because it is OSS.
What with the rest, nxclient and nxserver? What do you think
about such feature, people from !M. I think it would be much easier
than sharing folder because not everyone knows how to do it on localhost.

Michał Nowikowski

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