[FreeNX-kNX] Linux client not working whereas windows' one is.

Dominique Blas ml at blas.net
Mon Oct 10 13:59:13 UTC 2005


Firsteval I would like to say how beautiful it can be to play with a 
passive terminal at 9600 or 14400 bps ! I'm dicovering agin the pleasure 
of passive terminal. VNC is not able to manage low bandwitdh links.
Bravo !

Now the problems.
I'm facing with a huge problem : the lacks of debbuging information in 
nxfreenx client (and server).

Firsteval, I'm not RedHat, no debvian no gentoo. I'm Slackware.
And you'll tell me that there is a installation script. But this script 
only exist for some distributions and I can't trust a script to install 
something like NX. I have to understand what are the links between Nx 
and the rest
of the OS.
That's a pity for me ? Not at all. Everything is well working even the 
audio/video productis installed.

The pb with Freenx is its lacks of external dicumentation explaining 
what is the role of such or such a module (the documentation is on the 
nomachine site)
and, above all, internal debugging facilities.

Firsteval, no problem with SSH or authentification methods.
I  have been used to configure such things for many year. So no problem 
despite the fact that the documentation doesn't explain that the 
client/server are running under a different user that the one that tries 
to connect.

The first try with a Windows client doesn't yields anything, of course.
I discovered something that could help : my glibc library was not up to 
date according to what the Xcomp library claims. Xcomp used to claim for 
GLIBC 2.3.4 whereas I was GLIBC 2.3.3.
Ok, got further.
Then I got a error, on the client, that said "Session '<name>" failed".
I looked for many hours about that error message without discovering 
Why ? Not error message in the log on the client side.
No error in the nxserver.log. Nothing.

Finally I disovered some messages in the termporary sesion log that 
exists on the server (C-local..../options). It's a TEMPORARY log that 
exists only the time of the session that is only a few seconds when you 
don't have any session likle I did.
And found that I missed
the ENABLE_1_5_0_BACKEND=1 déclaration in the node.conf file on the 
server side !!!!
Where is that explained ? Nowhere !

Just after that point, the NXclient let me see paradise : it worked 
immediatly and really well. Terrific ! Good job ! I'm going to buy a 

Now, let's go with the linux client.

Nxclient is 1.5.0 the same minor release as the server and as the 
windows client.
And the result is ?
No chance : doesn't work. I'm just able to see the maxi !M machine one 
second before the X server stops.

Why ? Don't know, no error message anywhere. Except that in a temporary 
log it is explained that the client, this time, closed the connection.
There is also a message saying that there is a error in nxserver on 
ligne 1041 with a variable named something TIMEOUT.
There is no variable named something TIMEOUT in the nxserver script at 
line 1041, it is on line 875 : AGENT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT and I donét know 
how to change its value (but by replacing it). Lack of documentation one 
more time !

Why does my linux client not work whereas at the same place the windows 
client does ? I don't know there is no documentation available.

So now, I have a terrific NX instalation that works well with a windows 
client but doesn't work with a linux client.
Is someone can certify that it will keep on working at the next release 
of FreeNx, Nxserver, nxclient, etc ? No one I suppose.

Thank you,


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