[FreeNX-kNX] Unable to run enlightenment using freenx

Bharath Ramesh bramesh at vt.edu
Mon Nov 21 19:57:35 UTC 2005

I just installed freenx on my amd64 box running debian unstable. I have
enlightenment installed and am trying to run enlightenment through
freenx. I am connecting to the freenx server from my windows laptop. I
installed the nxclient from nomachine. I just get a window with "!m"
logo and after sometime I get the following message: "No response from
the remote server. Do you want to terminate the current session?" I
terminate it. When all this is running if I can see that the
enlightenment process is actually running.

The version of freenx: 0.4.4+0.4.5-3
The version of nxclient: 1.5.0-114

Any help on getting freenx running is really appreciated. Thanks in



P.S: I am not subscribed to the list, would really appreciate it if you
could CC me in the reply.

Bharath Ramesh       <bramesh at vt.edu>       http://people.cs.vt.edu/~bramesh

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