[FreeNX-kNX] Third maintenance release of the 1.5.0 NX client

Tomasz Chmielewski mangoo at mch.one.pl
Fri Dec 2 21:32:41 UTC 2005

Kurt Pfeifle schrieb:
> On Friday 02 December 2005 17:37, Matthew Price wrote:
>>Still no fix for resuming on windows machines.  :-<


> What NX server are you using?
>  a) FreeNX ?  Which version ? 

Hmm I also have problems with resuming sessions.
In fact, I was never able to resume a session if it was a session other 
than on

The scenario is as follows:

- FreeNX 0.4.4 + nx-1.5.0 on a server
- nxclient 1.5.0 on a Linux client
- clients starts a command in a "floating window" (rootless) mode (i.e., 
Mozilla Thunderbird)
- whenever I disconnect a Linux client, I can't resume such a session
- by a disconnection I mean:
   * client disconnect because client IP changed (it's a dynamic IP)
   * client disconnect because server IP changed (it's also a dynamic IP)
   * client disconnects (both server and client IPs not changed) by 
disconnecting from a switch for some time, just to check if it's related 
to IP changes - it's not

When I connect to the server using SSH afterwards, I can see that the 
programs (i.e. mozilla-thunderbird) is still running, however, it's not 
resumed for some reason.

I doubt it's a configuration problem, because when I "disconnect" a 
session gracefully on a localhost (same server), it's resumed flawlessly.

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