[FreeNX-kNX] Ghost NX user when typing "w"

Jonathan Chen jonachen at cisco.com
Wed Apr 13 16:41:22 UTC 2005

Hello All,
I am wondering if anyone has this problem or not.  
For some strange reason when a new user logs in, it would display a past NX
users info.  Not all the time.
The current user is ngu, and typing "w", it would show the old user ctxtst10
with that last  time it logged in info "sshd: ngu at notty <mailto:ngu at notty>
 09:22:52  up 48 days, 22:26, 91 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU  WHAT
jonachen pts/1    dhcp-171-71-234-  8:48am  0.00s  0.14s  0.00s  w 
ngu   pts/0         -                 6:58am  2:24m 22.39s  0.03s  bash 
ctxtst10 pts/34   -                 1Apr05  0.00s 42:55   3.52s  sshd:
ngu at notty <mailto:ngu at notty>  

nxserver --history ctxtst10

NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-03 OS (GPL)
NX> 127 Session list:
Display Username        Remote IP       Session ID
Date                Status
------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------
------------------- -----------
1009    ctxtst10        XX.XX.XX.213   953ACD82322B0CEAA016601463102BAE
2005-04-01 11:14:37     Finished
1009    ctxtst10        XX.XX.XX.213   FA0095FE3CAC8E1B8DB6173842576B30
2005-04-01 02:01:39     Finished

The user ngu usually logs in via regular ssh and not use FreeNX.   So I am
wondering why "w" would show incorrect information.  Doing a "ps -aef", I am
not able to find "ctxtst10" user account.   So does anyone know what might
be going on?
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