Fwd: [FreeNX-kNX] "NX was unable to negotiate a link cache for this session"

Gian Filippo Pinzari pinzari at nomachine.com
Tue Nov 23 15:14:59 UTC 2004

Fabian Franz wrote:
 > does anyone know what the message
 > 	"NX was unable to negotiate a link cache for this session"
 > could be?

When this message is printed? Are you sure the message is
spelled correctly?

I suspect the message is a dialog opened at session startup,
inside the nxagent window. In this case the correct spelling
should be "NX was unable to negotiate a cache for this ses-
sion." The message is supposed to be self-explainatory. It
says that the reason why NX was unable to negotiate a cache
was either because it was the first time that the user opened
a session on the server or because the cache was corrupted.

The message is originated by nxagent, whenever it finds that
the loading of a persistent cache was enabled but no cache
was actually found. You can easily find it by grepping the
nx-X11/programs/Xserver/hw/nxagent directory.

In normal coditions it is advisable to get such a feedback
from NX. The inability of finding a cache is usually the
symptom of a checksum mismatch, probably because of a bug in
nxcomp. If the user wants to disable saving the cache on
disk, he can set Configure -> Advanced -> Cache -> On disk
to 0.

I agree that there could be cases that that message is redun-
dant, for example if users on a NX server are created on-the-
fly, to offer a temporary workplace. I'll add a feature re-
quest to allow system administrators to disable the message.

/Gian Filippo.

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