[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX performance

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Wed Nov 3 22:11:26 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

Am Mittwoch, 3. November 2004 21:06 schrieb Edilmar:
> Hi,
> I have installed NX (from NOMACHINE) + FreeNX into my Fedora Core 2
> system,using the tutorial in
> http://fedoranews.org/contributors/rick_stout/freenx/.

Ok. (A very nice document btw. :-) @ Rick Stout)

> Then, I have
> started the NX Client to connect to server. 

Where is your server? Which connection do you have to your server?

Is it in the local LAN?

> All works, but no too fine
> in performance,this is like VNC speed, more and less. 

Can't reproduce ;-). Especially in opening a menu not just once, but twice or 
more times you _should_ be able to notice a big speedup.

> Is there something
> I need to do to connect faster? 

If you have a 100 MBit Network for example its almost useless to compress the 
images. So you can select in Advanced: "Use plain X-Bitmaps".

> I tried to connect using LAN and WAN. At
> LAN, VNC is faster, and at WAN the performance is more and less the
> same. What's the problem?

What did you expect and which setup do you exactly have?

I _think_ you are running in a local LAN. While NX is still suitable for a 
local 100Mbit LAN and should still do fine against XDMCP or VNC, it was 
designed merely for slow connections from Modem to DSL.

And there for me VNC was unusable slow, while NX was perfectly usable.

But experiences of course may differ.


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