[dot] aKademy Awards 2006

Dot Stories stories at kdenews.org
Fri Sep 15 20:29:03 CEST 2006

URL: http://dot.kde.org/1158268803/

From: Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>
Dept: you-could-be-the-one
Date: Thursday 14/Sep/2006, @14:20

aKademy Awards 2006

   This year aKademy [http://conference2006.kde.org/] will continue with
tradition created at aKademy 2005 [http://dot.kde.org/1125411946/] of
awarding the people that did an outstanding contribution to KDE in the
last year. The award ceremony
[http://conference2006.kde.org/conference/talks/awards.php] will be on
Sunday, September 24th at 17:50-18:00. Read on for more details.

     Aaron Seigo and Albert Astals Cid will be the Masters of
Ceremonies, giving the prizes of the three categories:
    * Best application
    * Best contribution to KDE
    * Special Jury's Choice award

     This year's jury has been formed by Albert Astals Cid, Enrico Ros,
Lauri Watts [http://people.kde.nl/lauri.html], Stephan Kulow
[http://people.kde.nl/stephan.html] and Oswald Buddenhagen, last year's
Akademy Award winners.

     Many thanks go to Staikos Computing Services
[http://conference2006.kde.org/sponsors/index.php#staikos] and Ricoh
[http://conference2006.kde.org/sponsors/index.php#ricoh] who are
sponsoring aKademy 2006 award prizes.

     Do not forget to come to the ceremony. You could be one of the

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