KIO FUSE 4.95.0 (RC 1) released

Fabian Vogt fabian at
Tue May 26 18:54:54 BST 2020


I'm proud to announce the availability of the (hopefully only) release candidate

If you don't know what KIO FUSE is about, you can read more
on feverfew's blog at
and the followup posts about development progress.

Compared to the first beta release, the planned features got implemented:
- Use of KIO::FileJob to write and read without downloading the whole file
- Expiring local nodes so that changes on the remote side become visible
  (the local cache is valid for at most 30s)

In addition to that, other notable changes are:
- New DBus API to map a FUSE path back to a remote URL, used for syncing the
  terminal panel in dolphin to the main view (needs Dolphin from git master)
- Minimum version of Qt got raised to 5.12
- Minimum version of KIO got raised to 5.66 (needed for KIO::FileJob)

The known issue got resolved, it builds with CMake < 3.13 again.

Known issues:
- Mounting files using a symlink to a folder causes a crash
- Some applications like VLC and MPV claim support for certain protocols, which
  causes KIO to not use KIO FUSE in certain cases. Please mention which URL was
  actually passed to the application when reporting an issue.

Please expand this list by trying it out and reporting any findings (good or
bad) here:

If not already done, it would be great if distros make this available for easy
installation by users.

Note the more people who test (and let us know that they've tested),
the quicker we can be confident to make a first release marked stable.

Have a lot of fun,
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