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Hi All<br>
as I have a problem with hierachical tags (ticket<a
style="white-space: pre-wrap;"> 498391</a> problem is relative to
Cplus naing space) I'm willing to upgrade to 8.6<br>
Today my problem is getting worse : more and more hiearchical tags
are moved to the root level of the tags, as there was a background
task running and changing the tags.<br>
I understand the problem would be fixed in 8.6 and I have tested
already on a test PC with few pictures, but I was unable to roll
back this PC from 8.6 to 8.5. (no error message but 8.5 never start)<br>
So I'm a little afraid to upgrade my production server.<br>
Unless there could be a workaround for this problem, otherwise
either I'm waiting the stable release and I will have to re-arrange
my tags, or I will takeg the risk to upgrade with the pre-release<br>
any advice ?<br>