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<p>My goal is organize my pictures using digiKam on a Win10 desktop
and/or a Win10 laptop, with a third Win10 desktop acting as a
server. <br>
Due in part to my lack of knowledge and difficultly finding
instructions for Windows installations, I struggled to get digiKam
and MariaDB setup. In hindsight, there were things I wish I knew
before I started. I retraced the steps that worked, tested them
and packaged them into a series of instructions. <br>
These instructions are at: <a class="postlink"
- Part 1: Installing digiKam on Windows 10<br>
- Part 2: Installing and configuring MariaDB for digiKam<br>
- Part 3: Migrating digiKam from SQLite to MariaDB<br>
Hopefully, this will give new Windows users a head start on
getting digiKam up and running on Windows 10... (I evaluated
digiKam against Daminion about six years ago. I chose to use
Daminion - but it was a bit of a love-hate relationship. Taking a
second look at digiKam in 2022, I was very happy to find a
solution that better reflected the way I want to manage my
images. I think more Windows users should look at and use
digiKam! I think it is a very good product with an extremely
attractive price :-)</p>
<p> I would appreciate any constructive feedback. I'm always happy
to correct errors and improve these instructions.</p>
<p>Bob Leonard</p>
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