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DigiKam can import your photos into folders by date, and then rename them with a date and sequence number if you want. The digiKam Handbook (<a href="https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/digikam-doc/digikam/digikam.pdf">https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/digikam-doc/digikam/digikam.pdf</a>)
explains the process in section 2.8.3. Dmitri Popov’s book, digiKam Recipes, also covers import operations in section 7. I usually import into a folder called Imports, and digiKam creates subfolders based on the dates of the imported photos. Then I move
the dated folders into a folder structure called Albums organized by decade, year, and subject/event/location. I have digiKam point to both the Albums and Imports folders, so I can edit photos in the Imports folder, and search/archive/whatever in the Albums
folder. But as Maik said, the Imports and Albums folders are just regular native operating system folders (Windows/Linux/OS X) in which you tell digiKam to look for photos.